Thursday, September 7, 2017

Praise the Lord!

For a few weeks now, my almost 4 year old, (His birthday is next week.) has been telling me he wasn't saved yet. He brought it up alot. I didn't want to push it. I thought he was too young. But who am I to say a person is too young to get saved? He acts older than his age, and even if he didn't, he has that simple child-like faith.

This morning during Bible reading, he told me he wasn't saved. I asked the other children to go in the other room for a few minutes so I could talk to their brother.

He told me he wasn't saved. He knew Jesus died on the cross for his sins. He also knew that Jesus paid the price for his sins so he did not have to. He told me he wanted to get saved.

I showed him some Bible verses, (Romans 10:13). He prayed and asked God to save him. When he was finished, I asked what happened. He said, he asked God to save him. And he got saved. He was smiling and so happy.

When he told his older brother and sister they were screaming with joy. They were all so excited. They had been praying for his salvation.  He told his daddy and grandma he got saved. And during the day he said he was glad he was saved.

Some people make salvation so hard, but it's not complicated. You just have to come as a little child. My son trusted that God would do what He said He would do, which was saving those that call on his name for salvation. My son didn't have to do a list of things before he got saved, or whatever. Jesus did all the work for salvation on Calvary. All we have to do is trust the free gift of salvation and ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, and He will.

So, I'm praising God today that my little boy asked Jesus to save him. The burden I had for his salvation is lifted. Happy, happy day!

My oldest two will have a spiritual birthday on September 22. It'll be one year since they received Christ as their Saviour. My daughter was 6 and my oldest son was almost 5.

I'm so grateful to God for salvation. I still believe in the Bible, and that there's only one way to heaven, and that's through Jesus Christ.

If you are not saved, Jesus wants to save you. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I got saved at 15. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I didn't go to church. I didn't know much about Jesus. All I knew was I had an empty void in my life, and nothing in the world could fill it. I was depressed and longing.

And one day I went to church with my grandma, and God began to do a work in my heart. I didn't get saved right away. But weeks later, I acknowledged I was lost and on my way to hell. God sent conviction so strong. I left church that evening lost, but I came back to church and got saved.

The emptiness I had felt for so long was finally filled. Jesus gave me a peace that I never knew existed. He saved my soul and my life. I was in awe that God would take a nobody like me, and change my life. It's amazing what God can do in someone's life.  I was excited, but burdened for my lost family members. No one else in my family was saved. My grandma stopped going to church shortly after I started going.

I had a rough home life. And I don't have time to talk about all of that, maybe in another post. But God proved to me that He's faithful and He could be trusted. Many dark nights, He was all I had, and He was all I needed.

Maybe one-day I'll write about how life was like being the only one saved in a home with a drunkard and ones that did drugs. It'd be a post about God's amazing grace.

Praise God for salvation!

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