Monday, September 25, 2017

God's Enough

My mom has shared her story. It's miraculous how God works in others lives. God is enough for every situation.

I remember how life was when my mom was saved but she had gotten away from God. Let me just add, when you get away from God, it affects everyone in your life, not just you.

It was really hard on me. I was 20.  My mom had left again. I did not like the guy she ran off with. He even tried to tell me he was a preacher of some sort. I never trusted him.

I recall the day she got voted out of church. I cried so hard. My mom had fallen into the devil's trap and I was broken hearted. Whether the church tried to help her or not, is irrevelant, she needed the church. She was low and didn't have anyone to help her.

We were all living together, until my mom left and then I stayed with my sister, her husband, and their children.

I was so worried for my mom. I didn't see her much. But I knew that guy had such a big control over her. It was like she couldn't break free from him.

Sometimes I would bring her a few groceries at a motel if I knew where she was staying. I didn't want her going hungry. I missed her and didn't want anything to happen to her. But I couldn't see her without that guy being around. I said he was controlling.

When she got arrested, I cried. I wondered when she was going to come back home, and come back to God.

Those were some rough years. I had Christian friends that helped encourage me and really helped me. I'm thinking of a family right now. God knew I needed some special friends in my life.

I'm just thankful that my mom got right with God. I'm so thankful that God brought her home, back to her family. God is very merciful and He is very forgiving. He never forsakes His own.

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