Friday, August 11, 2017

Reasons why I homeschool my children.

Some might think that the biggest reason why I homechool my children is because I was homeschooled as a child. I wasn't homeschooled until high school. So, what motivates me to devote alot of time and energy into schooling my children.
Some families only homechool because they don't want their children in public school, which is an understandable reason. But there has to be more motivation than that.

1. God has called me to homechool my children. I really believe that God has placed it on my heart to educate my children at home. I love homeschooling. Everyday isn't easy, but that doesn't change my calling. If God calls you to do something, you don't quit, even on the discouraging days when it seems your children aren't listening or learning like you want.

Does God call everyone to homechool? No, He doesn't. And frankly, not every family can. Not every mom can stay home, some have to work. God's plan isn't the same for every family. God does allow some children to go to public or private school to be a light in the darkness. We should not look down on those that don't homechool. Sometimes we get the mindset that our way is best, and those who send their children to school aren't doing what's best for their family.  We can only answer for our family, and that's what we should focus on.

2. I like the freedom that comes from homeschooling. I think it's important to decide what my children learn and don't learn. My husband and I pick the curriculum and the style of our homeschool. We don't have to allow our children to learn athestic and evolutionary worldviews, and whatever else they learn in public school that is against what we believe. The wonderful thing about homeschool is, not every homechool is going to look the same, teach the same, or operate the same. And that's ok. That's the freedom associated with homeschool. The parents decide what's best for their family.

3. I like the safety measure I get from school at home. I take comfort in knowing where my children are during the day.  I don't have to worry about all the crazy things that might happen at a public school. They are safe at home with me, and that's reassuring.

4. Another reason is flexibility. In public school there's not much flexibility. But it's quite the opposite for homechool. I decide the days we do school, the time we start and finish school, and the breaks we take. As long as I follow my state's guidelines, I have flexibility to adjust school as needed when situations arise. We can go slower or faster if one of my children is struggling or excelling. I could do school outside if it was nice weather. The list could go on. It's a very desirable way to do things.
I could go on and on about the benefits of homeschooling but time would not allow that.  I can say that it's a precious thing teaching my children and seeing their excitement once they understand a new concept. It's such a big responsibility taking on the role of educator, but having your children so near, is worth every sacrifice and struggle. I think the time we invest in our Children will never be regretted. We might regret many things in life, but spending so much time with our children will not be one of them.  I thank God for the privilege to homechool and look forward to this journey my family and I are on.

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