Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Brokenness for sin

Children are such blessings. And new life is a gift. But it still breaks my heart when I hear about girls getting pregnant out of wedlock. What is sad is when the girl's parents rejoice when their daughters have fallen into sin. Instead of shame, the girls get lifted up. And sin is glorified. It teaches girls coming behind them nothing. Where are the young ladies and gentlemen that will remain pure, and abstain from fornication? It is still sin, and sin grieves the heart of God. Where are the parents that will call sin what it is? We need to teach our children what God says . I know this isn't popular, but revival won't come with sin in the church.

I know you should love the sinner, but you should not love or tolerate the sin. 

I also know people make mistakes. But sin has to be dealt with not just swept under the rug. Once sin is confessed and dealt with, then by all means, let's support and encourage them. But we can't tolerate sin. I don't care whose daughter it is. 

I have seen many girls get pregnant and no one says anything. We act like we are too afraid to say what is right. Just because a person falls into sin, it doesn't change the Word of God. We see a sin so much, that it doesn't bother us anymore. We seem to accept the sin and it loses it's sinfulness. That's not how it's supposed to be. 

It's not just fornication. If you fill your hearts and minds with immoral t.v. shows and ungodly music, it will ruin you. You can't grow as a Christian if you constantly feed your flesh. We can't act like we love Jesus when we tolerate sin through the t.v., internet, radio, and you name it. I know sin is everywhere, but it should not be consuming the church or the Christian home. 

Marriage is being attacked. God still ordained marriage between a man and a woman. I don't care if sodomy becames legal, it's still sin. 

Physical sin is not the only sin consuming the church. Bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, pride, and so on fills our lives. And I'm not exempt from this. We all sin, but we have an advocate with the Father. He forgives our sin and helps us live right. 

I'm broken hearted by the results of sin. The devil wants to destroy the Church, and he does it through the Christian. If we have sin in our camp, then we hinder God from working in our local church. 

Is there any hope since we all sin and fall short of God's glory? Jesus Christ is our hope and help. His Word cleanses us and keeps us from sin. 
Psalms 119:11
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

I want my children to know there is such a thing as holy living. We should strive for that. I'm not perfect, I fail alot. I want my children to see when you fail, you don't get out of the game. You get back up. 

We all need God's help to live for Him. And we should all be broken by sin, whether in our life or someone else's. We should not rejoice when someone falls, but weep. I want God to do great things in our homes, churches, and country. I don't want to be the hindrance that keeps God's blessings away. So when someone falls let's pray for them. We are not helping anyone by lifting sin up. Nor are we helping them by talking about them. 

1 comment:

  1. This also hurts my heart. I know what it is like to be out in sin. When the Church I was at threw me out of Church. I was hurt and bitter. But they didn't do anything wrong it was me that left God. God lives inside the saved. I greived my God. I was outside of God's will for only 5 or 6 months. But let me tell you, the devil used everything he could to get me deeper in sin. Please young people listen. It not worth the pain you will cause to yourself, Church, your family, the girls behind you that wants to be like you.
