Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Prince

" No man can make me joyful or complete. Only you can, and you have God. I love you even if I never marry."
That was written in my Bible. And I truly meant that. God had been enough for me that I didn't have to get married to start living my life and being happy.
God was my source of peace and happiness and he was my life.

My desire was to marry a godly man and raise a family for God, but I was content and even willing to be single if that was God's will. I just wanted to live a life that pleased God, single or married.

With that being said, I started talking to the guy I would marry on Facebook. We had actually met at college. He had helped me a few times get snacks off the shelf for the after school kids. But I didn't really talk to him or like him. It was the right guy just not the right time. Of course, I didn't know he was God's will at the time. We started casually talking on Facebook and messaging each other off and on.
During that time we both were praying that if it wasn't God's will that our relationship wouldn't go any further than a friend.

It's kinda of hard to open up when you've been broken before by someone who wasn't God's will. I prayed many times while we were talking that God would just protect my heart. I didn't wanna give my heart away again and get hurt.

Robert was a great guy, everything that I had prayed for. On a side note, I think it is very important to pray for your future mate or for a spouse for your children. God will guide, lead, and direct but we must pray. Now back to Robert, he was someone I was growing fond of and each night we would talk on the phone to get to know each other better. Facebook alone wasn't enough to get to know each other and since we lived in different states, phone calls and letters was a good start.
We had started talking in June of 2009, and had visited each other in person a few times. God had confirmed in both of our lives that we were God's will for each other. And what a joyful day that was. The many years of praying were not in vain. God had answered in his timing. Sometimes a delay is not a 'no' it's just you have to be patient and wait for the answer. And Robert was worth waiting for.

I remember when Robert proposed. We were walking at the park and he had all of these boxes inside each other and each box represented something. I can't remember all that was said, but the part I do remember was him saying something like, 'I don't wanna walk behind you or in front of you I wanna walk beside you all the days of my life.' When he asked me to marry him, I laughed at him. I don't remember why I laughed but I did say 'yes'.

We were married on October 3, 2009. It's amazing to me because God's plan is far better than our own. I am so glad that I didn't just settle for some average guy, but that I waited for God's will. It truly makes a difference.
I am so thankful for my husband and I am truly blessed with a wonderful man.

If you are single, please wait on God. His timing is way better than what we could imagine. Just don't lose faith, and don't settle for less than God's best. On your wedding day, you will truly say it's been worth the wait. And it will be. Save yourself, every piece of yourself for that one that God has made you for. Don't let the devil's lies deceive you into thinking that dating around is innocent or even settling for any average guy is fine, because it's not God's way. God's way is best. Wait and one day your prince will come, and you too can testify of God's goodness and how it was all worth the wait.


  1. I love that so sweet.

  2. just to let everyone know. you did not go see him by yourself I went to.
